On Propaura, you can write for us real estate, home decor, home improvement, finance articles to keep our blog section updated with quality content. We are looking for writers to submit guest posts, articles, reviews, and more.

Write for us – Real Estate, Home Decor, Construction, Finance, and Home Improvement Guest Post Submission

In order to write for us and submit a guest post, please go through the below guidelines:

  1. The word count of your guest post article must be minimum 600 words. However, we recommend to write an in-depth article of at least 2000 words to get it featured.
  2. To submit guest post, make sure the information is up to date.
  3. Write for us in English language only.
  4. Make sure your guest post is not plagiarized, not published anywhere else, and no article spinning tools are used.
  5. Check your article for grammatical mistakes before writing for us.
  6. Attach an original or royalty free featured image along with your article.
  7. Write for us (submit a guest post) on these topics only – Real Estate, Home Decor, Construction, Finance, and Home Improvement.
  8. Please ensure the article is factually correct and there is no misleading information within your guest post.
  9. No spammy or low quality links will be allowed within the article.
  10. We reserve the right to edit the content as per our guidelines after the submission.
  11. Share your content in a .doc file and attach the featured image separately.
  12. If you wish to publish the guest post by yourself, you can always request a contributor access, and then write for us.
  13. The submitted guest post article can take up to 24 hours to be approved and published.
  14. Once a guest post is published on Propaura, it becomes our intellectual property and we can modify that post as per our readers taste.
  15. We only accept guest post from experienced writers to write for us in the mentioned categories (Real Estate, Home Decor, Construction, Finance, and Home Improvement).
  16. Once your guest post is approved, you will be notified via email. If the email is not received in your inbox, please check the spam folder.
  17. If the contributor account is assigned to you, please make sure you follow the readability guidelines from the YOAST SEO Panel.
  18. Make sure you insert the links in your article in a natural, contextual way, so it doesn’t look forced.
  19. There are chances your article will get rejected in case we find any unnatural link within the post. Alternatively, we reserve the right to remove the link from the article.
  20. Use the contact form on this page to write for us and submit a guest post, or mail your writeup to info@propaura.com

We look forward to your contribution.

Write for us today.